AIGA Business and Design Conference 2008

I attended the GAIN Conference in NYC, best conference I have ever attended. Of course there were some presentations that were stinkers, but there were some that were worth it just by themselves. I originally wanted to go just to see Malcolm Gladwell and get motivated by the artist presenters, but the speakers who turned out to be the most relevant were the non artists. One speaker in particular who really touched on the subject/problems of what my employer is going through was a Cultural Anthropologist. Our company had recently changed owners (a good thing) and is having difficultly resolving who they are. I'm excited about sharing what I learned with everyone at the office.
I was in NYC for four days but had no more that five hours total to see any sights. On my lunch hours I did some speed walking and Sunday morning before heading to the airport I went to Central Park and the Whitney Museum of Art. Above are a few photos from the trip, click on all images for a larger view.

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